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Learn Easy Flower Remedy 25mlLearn Easy Flower Remedy 25mlHelps to comprehend and retain learned information, and apply one's self to studies.
Lemon Flower RemedyLemon Flower RemedyLightens and brightens one's mood and outlook.
Lilac Flower RemedyLilac Flower RemedyAssists with physical and emotional flexibility.
Lion's Tail Flower RemedyLion's Tail Flower RemedyOvercome resistance to pain and painful situations.
Marigold Flower RemedyMarigold Flower RemedyEnhances conceptual thinking for those who are logical and practical.
Marjoram Flower RemedyMarjoram Flower RemedyBrings comfort and confidence after loss of long-term spouse.
Mimulus Bach Flower RemedyMimulus Bach Flower RemedyBrings courage where there are known fears and phobias.
Mint Flower RemedyMint Flower RemedyPromotes clear thinking and mental vitality.
Motivation Flower Remedy 25mlMotivation Flower Remedy 25mlTake purposeful, inspired action without procrastinating.
Mugwort Flower RemedyMugwort Flower RemedyBalances disturbing and over-active dreaming.
Mustard Bach Flower RemedyMustard Bach Flower RemedyLifts black cloud of depression.
Nashi Flower RemedyNashi Flower RemedyCalm and unflustered through crisis.
Nasturtium Flower RemedyNasturtium Flower RemedyBrings colour back into life.
New Home Pet Health Flower Remedy 25mlNew Home Pet Health Flower Remedy 25mlHelps pets adjust to new homes and environments.
New Sibling Flower Remedy 25mlNew Sibling Flower Remedy 25mlFosters goodwill and co-operation between siblings, welcoming new family members.
Oak Bach Flower RemedyOak Bach Flower RemedyLearn to trust others and delegate responsibility.
Olive Bach Flower RemedyOlive Bach Flower RemedyRejuvenation in times of exhaustion and long-term suffering.
Parsley Flower RemedyParsley Flower RemedyOpens the mind to new ways of thinking.
Passionflower Flower RemedyPassionflower Flower RemedySpiritually nourishing, renews passion for life.
Patience Flower Remedy 25mlPatience Flower Remedy 25mlSettles impatient and frustrated energies so one can enjoy the present, here and now.
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